Full Stack Web Developer. I love to solve problems and find ways to
improve the lives of people and organizations through logic and
programming. I jam with React, JavaScript, CSS, Express, Node, SQL and
Mongo. Also dabelle with Java and Python.
Looking to colaberate? Send me a message!
COVID-19 Resource Center A website allowing users real, easy to read data on the coronavirus. Built with REACT & The COVID Tracking Project API.
FitBOARD, a socail media site where users can invite and challenge friends in competitions. FitBOARD allows users to post pictures and update their status of their healthy life style. FitBOARD is in constant development. It was created using a node base server and original SQL database to compile its own API.
Beer Hunter, a website that connects users with breweries near them. It was created using Open Brewery DB, a free API for public information on brweries and GoogleMaps API. This page includes features that allows users to search and map out places they would like to visit.
Quiz Time, a simple JavaScript app the entails the syntax for many standard functions that such as timing, loops, display changes, and storing.